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Italian-Argentine Seminar, Buenos Aires (April 30, 2019)

We are pleased to invite you to the Italian-Argentine Seminar on Criminal control of Migrants in Argentina that will be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires on April 30, 2019, organized by the Department of Penal Law of the Faculty of Law-UBA; The Argentine Group of AIDP and the Argentinean Association of Professors of Penal Law.

María Ángeles Ramos, Deputy Secretary General, ADIP

Carlos Eduardo A. Japiassú, Secretary General, AIDP



Frohes neues Jahr!!


The Year of our XXth Congress

Rome, Italy, November 13-17, 2019


 * * * * *

To all our members, collaborators and friends 



Memorial Ceremony for Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni. Siracusa International Institute. September 23, 2018

In the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, a solemn Commemorative Ceremony dedicated to Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni took place on Sunday, September 23, at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights.


Klaus Tiedemann (1938-2018)

Mit großer Trauer muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Tiedemann (1938-2018) nach  langer schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist. Sein wissenschaftliches Erbe ist enorm, da er nicht nur ein wichtiger Innovator des modernen Wirtschaftsstrfrechts war, sondern auch und vor allem ein herausragender Strafrechtsvergleicher.


Congreso “Problemas Actuales del Derecho Penal” (Salamanca, 4-5 de octubre 2018)

The University of Salamanca is organizing, as part of its 800th Anniversary, a criminal justice conference in cooperation with the AIDP titled "Problemas Actuales del Derecho Penal" which will be held in Salamanca on 4-5 October 2018 (Spanish language).

They also launched a call for papers for junior researchers on the topics which will be addressed at the conference.


Deputy Secretary General Prof. Xiumei Wang Has Won International Anti-Corruption Excellence (ACE) Award 2017

On 8th December 2017, just one day before the International Anti-Corruption Day, in Geneva, organizations, individuals and entities from Asia, North America and Europe, were recognized at the International Anti-Corruption Excellence (ACE) Award 2017.


In Memoriam. President M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017)

Tief betroffen müssen wir das Ableben von Präsident M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017) bekanntgeben. Mit ihm verlieren wir einen Menschen mit hohen moralischen Werten, der einen großen Teil seines persönlichen und beruflichen Lebens der AIDP gewidmet hat.


Vladimir Sergeevich Komissarov (29.03.1953- 11.07.2017)

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our friend, the member of Board of directors and the president of the Russian national group of the AIDP, head of department of criminal law and criminology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor Vladimir Sergeevich Komissarov. He died unexpectedly in the morning of 11 July 2017, being on treatment in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, not far away from his birthplace. 


Newsletter 2017



Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law - RIDP 87 (2016) issue 1

Under the new publication strategy, a first issue of the RIDP was published by Maklu, covering the AIDP World Conference in Bucharest (Romania) in 2016. The issue was edited by José Luis de La Cuesta, Ligeia Quackelbeen, Nina Persak and Gert Vermeulen. For more information on RIDP, see the publication section of the AIDP website and the RIDP section at the publisher's website.

