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Happy Holidays from AIDP 2021

To all our national groups and members, affiliates and friends: 

2020 has been a challenging and difficult year for most of us. Our professional and personal lives have become virtual to a large extent. 

Precisely in such times working together on a common mission in the AIDP is even of greater value. Criminal justice has to deliver justice in new areas of crime of and to protect vital interests. Also in exceptional times it is important that criminal justice complies with the values of the rule of law and the human rights standards. Our main scientific topic on “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Justice” is certainly an excellent topic to study these challenges and to propose resolutions de lege ferenda. Our general rapporteurs have been working very hard to elaborate excellent questionnaires and the national groups are in the process of nominating the national rapporteurs.  This will lead to high quality international colloquia in 2022-2023.

Finally, I just would like to emphasize how much we are all missing meeting you. For the moment being we have to keep it safe and we all hope that the best part of 2021 will come soon.

Pleasant Holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year!!    


John Vervaele

President of the AIDP