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The three recipients of the Vespasian V. Pella medal

In 1958, Benjamin B. Ferencz, prosecutor in the Nuremberg Military Trials, was awarded the Vespasian V. Pella Medal. in 2000, he selected Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni, Honorary President of the AIDP, as his successor. Ten years later, Professor Bassiouni handed over the medal to Professor William Schabas. All three met this February in West Palm Beach, FL, USA.


Resolutions of the Congresseses of the International Association of Penal Law (1926-2014)

The Resolutions of the Congresseses of the International Association of Penal Law (1926-2014) have just been published in RIDP in the newest issue of the RIDP - RIDP 86 (2015 /1-2) 1 ff.



Dear members of AIDP,

To all of you, national groups and members,  my best wishes for a prosperous 2016

John Vervaele
President of the AIDP




AIDP secretariat's fax number has changed

The new fax number is

+33 1 73 76 64 71

Please note that the previous fax number, which may still be noted on certain documents, is no longer in order.


AIDP's new publication strategy

At the Board of Directors meeting this June, a new publication strategy for the AIDP was adopted. The International Review of Penal Law is and will continue to be the primary medium and core scientific product of the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP). One issue a year is dedicated to the Association’s traditional scientific activities and links into an annual AIDP conference, a world conference or, every five years, the International Congress of Penal Law.


The new Congress format

A new format was proposed for the next Congress that should be organised in 2019. The format consists of two main parts: a World Conference and the adoption of policy recommendations. The overall duration of the Congress will be one week (including the meeting of the bodies of the AIDP). The World Conference will take place during the first three days and is followed by the adoption of policy recommendations in the next two days to allow participants to stay for a shorter time if desired.


Preparatory colloquia to become international colloquia

Considering the high cost of organising preparatory colloquia and the relatively low visibility, the decision was made to reform preparatory colloquia into international colloquia (that should be organised in 2016, 2017 and 2018). The following conceptual changes are part of this proposal: first, the traditional 4 aspects would remain as well as the comparative law approach based on questionnaires, national reports, general reports, special or global reports, etc.


Prof. Dr. David Baigún. Deep sorrow and grief. Argentinian National Group

The Argentine Group of the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP) expresses its deep sorrow and grief over the death of Prof. Dr. David Baigún and offers its condolences to his family at this painful time.


Criminal Justice and Corporate Business - overarching theme for AIDP's activities 2015-2019

Considering the length of AIDP’s 5-year working cycle and the impact on practice as well as attractiveness to a wider public and for funding opportunities, one overarching theme was identified that allows for four sub-topics and specific research questions: “Criminal Justice and Corporate Business”. The four sub-topics will be structured based on the traditional four-pronged approach:

  • General part
  • Special part
  • Criminal procedure
  • International criminal law and procedure
